Thursday, March 12, 2009

12 Hours and Counting

Well I should be sleeping through this count-down but I'm just too nervous/excited/anxious to go to bed yet. We are as packed as we can be until the morning when I can add the last minute medicines and pack the snack cooler. Two weeks ago we were completely packed except for the one carry - on. We had 3 suitcases. We now have 6 suitcases, a stroller, and 6 back-packs. What happened to traveling light??? To say the least, Pete is not happy. I'm not either but I accepted this fact 3 days ago when I placed the order for Kaeterina's Pediasure and Duocal. With weight limits of 50 pounds, I had to spread that stuff out. So our suitcases are not full but 4 of them are at the weight limit. And, I'm not even taking all of the Pediasure. We found out that we can buy it in Beijing so I'm only taking half of what I ordered. Oh well. What are you going to do. Nothing but get over it. Coming home will be much lighter! I hope anyways. I don't plan to buy much while we are there.

On a sad note, K2 got sick today with the vomitting. She ate a TON for lunch in the car. I thought maybe it was because she ate so much and we were in the car for so long but she had a fever of 101 and that was with the Tylenol. She had a few crackers before she went to bed tonight. I'm praying that that stays down. It took K3 a full 24 hours before she could keep anything down.

On a more happy note, K1 ate crackers tonight. It was the first solid food she's had in over 2 weeks. I'm hoping that she's turned the corner. Maybe she's getting tired of the all you can eat frozen yogurt and applesauce. I'm praying that this is the turn that we've been waiting for.

K3 has some remenants left over from her illness earlier in the week. Pete just made a midnight run to CVS to get some gas drops to hopefully cure that. I can't imagine being stuck in a plane with her for 24 hours with that smell! YUCK!

At this time tomorrow, we'll be checking into our hotel! I'll try to blog an update Sunday morning. We meet Kaiden Sunday aftern at 2:30 pm.

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