Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lab Visit

Kaiden was able to give us a stool sample this morning so I could take that into the lab for testing. He also needed a complete blood work-up and a chest x-ray. I won't normally take the kids for any appointments requiring needles but Pete also couldn't go into work even later again. I won't be doing that again. The poor baby had to give 6 vials of blood. I can barely give blood myself let alone hold down my screaming baby while they poke him. I went all the way to St. John in Detroit just because I like those phlebotomists the best. They have a lot of experience poking babies. He was good for his chest x-rays too until we had to hold his head up. Then more screaming but that only lasted for a few minutes.

I had to take his outfit off for his x-ray because it had metal buttons on it. I'm glad I did because one of his band-aids from his shots fell off to relieve 3 blisters under them! I thought he was having a reaction to the immunization or possibly the antibiotic. After leaving the hospital, I called his pediatrician to see if I could bring him in for her to look at it. She was very surprised when she saw him. She knew it couldn't be a latex band-aid because they are a latex free office. She determined that he was allergic to the adhesive in the band-aid. Now we can't use band-aids! We'll have to remember to tell them that whenever he gets shots. Now what am I going to do without those miracle boo-boo fixers???

Tomorrow he has to go back to the office to have his TB test read. I sure am thankful that we are still living with the in-laws. It means we are only 1 hour away from our pediatrician and that I have a babysitter for the other girls. It sure makes things convenient right now.

On a positive note, Kaiden did wake up at 2 am crying. I fed him a bottle in the dark and he fell back asleep until 6 am. 6 am is a much more do-able wake-up time!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The lab we use and also my office uses stretchy gauze for blood draws. I don't think it is latex.

I got a kick out of an hour drive to the doctor being close. I guess I have a small town mentality and anything over 20 minutes is a road trip. We go four hours to the international ped. We found it very helpful to go there in addition to the regular peds clinic because J had some behaviors they were able to tell us were normal for adopted kids and how to deal with, whereas our regular ped had no experience with them.

J also had an ear infection at one appointment. Her eardrum was bulging so much the ped could not believe she had no symptoms. But she didn't. No fever, no pulling at her ears. It was close to a year before she acted sick when she was. It took some extra vigilance on our part.